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Our TEN-Therapist Sonja Guldimann generally practices on Fridays and Saturdays at the Kurhaus.


Classical massage, foot reflexology massage

  • 60 min à CHF 132/120*
  • 30 min à CHF 66

* Self-paying without additional insurance


Natural Power Treatments

Sonja Guldimann introduces you to the world of traditional European naturopathy. Let yourself be surprised how beneficial the powers of the elements can be and how they can be used.

Summernight, autumwind, winterdream, springdance

  • 90 min à CHF 165

Traditional European Naturopathy

Appointments for initial naturopathic consultations can only be booked between 10:00 and 13:00 o’clock.

  • Initial consultation 90 minutes + concept creation 15 minutes CHF 231
  • Follow-up treatments per 5 minutes CHF 11
  • Further information at